Seed Library
The Red Bank Public Library prides ourselves on our ever-growing collection of nontraditional circulating items. We don’t just have books to borrow at Red Bank; we have so much more, such as our Seed Library!
Visit the Library to browse our free Seed Library; available to anyone in the community — no library card required! You can find the Seed Library on the first floor, near the windows overlooking the river — just look for the painted card catalog!
Click here to Take a look at the seeds currently available aT Our Library!
The Seed Catalog
What is a Seed Library?
The RBPL seed library is basically what it sounds like! Community members donate seeds to the Library, we catalog them, and then offer them for free to the community.
You do not need to donate seeds to take seeds out. We would love if you saved some of your seeds at the end of the season and donated them back to us, but this is not a requirement.
You do not need a RBPL card to take seeds out. This resource is available to everyone.
Why have a seed library?
Our mission is simple: We hope to foster a more resilient and self-reliant community. Our hope is that this project will also support genetic diversity, promote sustainability, and restore indigenous varieties of seed to the area. We also hope to prevent hunger and promote nutrition by enabling families of all income levels to grow their own food.
Donations can be dropped in the blue box next to the Book Drop if the library is not open.
Looking to donate?
If you are donating seeds, please provide the following information:
Plant name
Year seeds were harvested
Are the seeds heirloom?
Are the seeds organic?
We cannot accept seeds that aren’t marked with items 1 and 2. If you do not have numbers 3-5, we can still accept them.
additional RULES:
We cannot accept treated seeds.
We cannot accept patented seeds or seeds protected by the Plant Variety Protection Act.
We will accept all other seeds, but are most interested in native plants, edible plants (vegetables, fruits, herbs, etc.), and pollinating plants.