Meeting Room Policy

The Red Bank Public Library offers meeting rooms for individuals, community organizations, and businesses that wish to provide a forum for imagination, creativity, engagement, and learning. Preference is given to Red Bank organizations, but regional and statewide groups are accommodated when there are no schedule conflicts. There is no charge for the use of the Library's meeting spaces. A donation to the Library in lieu of any fees are graciously accepted but not required.

Rooms for quiet study are available to individuals upon request when available. Individuals or groups seeking private tutoring or study should seek a quiet room.

The Library reserves the right to approve or reject requests for meeting room use based on the availability of space and whether the proposed usage complies with the regulations set forth in this policy.

The Library does not endorse the views expressed by any group using its meeting rooms.

The Library does endorse the right of groups to express their views as long as they follow the Rules of Conduct of the Library and engage in civil discourse.


Applications for the use of Library meeting rooms must be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the date requested.

Applications can be requested at the library, or by contacting the Technical Services Coordinator. The organizational representative signing this form must be present to conduct and/or monitor the meeting. Use of the meeting room is subject to the approval of the Library.

Use of the meeting rooms is subject to the following:

  1. All meetings scheduled in the Library must be open to the general public. Groups may not charge admission fees for a meeting room event. Promotions or sales of services, products, merchandise, materials, or other items are prohibited.

  2. The meeting room is to be used for the stated purpose on the Meeting Room Application form only.

  3. Businesses and organizations desiring to use a meeting room must secure a Certificate of Insurance prior to the use of the room, reflecting liability coverage of $2,000,000. The Red Bank Public Library should be listed as an additional insured on the Certificate of Insurance. Governmental units and organizations in which membership is based upon appointment by the governing body of the Borough of Red Bank or the Library are exempt from these requirements.

  4. Local non-profit organizations and local groups may request exemption from Certificate of Insurance requirements based on their inability to pay such fees or acquire insurance. An indemnification agreement, holding the Library and Borough of Red Bank harmless from any and all liability in the event of an injury or damage to persons or property caused by the organization while on the Library premises must be signed.

  5. Meetings are limited to an attendance of no more than 85 people.

  6. The meeting rooms are available during the regular operating hours of the Library. All programs must end 15 minutes before closing of the building, with furniture restored to its original configuration.

  7. The Red Bank Public Library name cannot be used in advertising the meeting or program except to be listed as the location of the meeting or program.

  8. The Library must review all publicity before it is distributed to the public, and publicity should clearly indicate the name of the sponsoring agency.

  9. The Library reserves the right to prohibit or terminate the use of the premises at any time if the conduct of the group interferes with staff work or patron use of the Library, is disruptive to library service or patrons, or is abusive or dangerous to the building, library materials, exhibits, furnishings or individuals in the building.

  10. Library and literacy programs take priority over all other uses of the meeting rooms. Should a need arise, the Library reserves the right to cancel any booking. The Library will make every effort to ensure this does not happen.

  11. In the event of an emergency closing of the Library, every effort will be made to notify the contact person listed on the meeting room application form. The Library cannot guarantee that the organization will be notified. It is recommended that the meeting room applicant call the Library should there be a possibility that an emergency closing will be necessary.

  12. The Library must be notified if a meeting is canceled. Any cancellation of a meeting room reservations must be made at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. The Library reserves the right to deny meeting rooms to applicants who fail to notify the Library of cancelations or who frequently cancel.

  13. No alcoholic beverages, or smoking are permitted in the Library or on Library grounds.

  14. Games of chance are strictly prohibited.

  15. Areas designated as staff only or staff lounges are for the use of Library staff.

  16. Groups may not hang signs, posters, displays, or other decorations in the meeting rooms.

  17. The sponsoring group or individual making the application for use of the meeting room assumes all responsibility for damage to Library property and for leaving the premises in the condition in which it was found.

  18. Refreshments may be served at meetings with prior approval. Kitchen facilities are limited to a sink and refrigerator. All garbage and trash must be cleaned up and meeting rooms and kitchenette must be returned to the condition they were found.

  19. Supplies such as podium, dry erase board and AV equipment (if available) will be provided if requested on the meeting room application.

  20. Use of the meeting room in no way implies any partnership with a community organization, business, or governmental unit or approval or endorsement of the contents and views of a program or meeting by the Red Bank Public Library.

  21. Movies, recordings, or music played must have the appropriate public performance rights. Obtaining the license and all applicable fees are the responsibility of the group and not the Red Bank Public Library.