How filling out your Census will help Red Bank

by Barbara Pickell

It’s been sitting there next to the computer for the last couple of weeks, the paper census form and the card with instructions for filling it out online. Over the weekend, I ran out of excuses and decided to do it, just bite the bullet and fill it out online. Turns out, it really did take only a few minutes and was as easy as they said it would be!  Who knew? 

Why the Census is so important

I know all the reasons it is so important to get as accurate a count as possible. I know, first of all, that a count every ten years is required by law, in the Constitution no less. And it’s important to make sure we all get the amount of representation in government we deserve. State and Federal legislative districts are based on this count, the primary reason this is required by the Constitution.

But in our modern world, the census is used for so much more. State and Federal funding for really important institutions like schools and school lunch programs, fire departments, Medicare, social programs, highways and so much more is distributed based on the census information. If we undercount our community, that could mean fewer funds to help keep our community strong and solve problems.  

No one can use your personal information in the Census — not even law enforcement

In addition, the statistical information from the census is available to the public and is used by local government, businesses and non-profit groups to use in making decisions that shape their future. But only the statistical information because the personal information you provide is confidential by law.  

Yes, that’s right. No one, not even law enforcement, can access the personal information. Private data is protected and answers cannot be used against you by any government agency or court. In fact, no one will be able to see these records for 72 years, when most of us won’t be around any longer.  

And there is no citizenship question on the 2020 census. Everyone living in the United States is required to respond, but you will not be asked about your citizenship status. The census is available in Spanish, in fact it is available in 13 different languages.  

You can respond by completing the paper form or go online. You can even respond by telephone. So take 10 minutes and complete the census if you haven’t already. And convince a friend to do the same. It’s an easy way to do something important for your community even while waiting at home. 

Barbara Pickell is a reference and local history librarian at the Red Bank Public Library.